When we sneeze , the particles can come out and spread in the air . This can be carried to a healthy person's nose . This can make a healthy person infected .That's why we should cover our mouth and nose while sneezing .
Sneezing through your nose is generally considered healthier than sneezing through your mouth because it helps filter out germs and particles before they are released into the air.
Sneezing mucus out of your mouth can potentially spread germs and viruses to others, increasing the risk of transmitting illnesses such as colds or the flu. It is important to cover your mouth when sneezing to prevent the spread of infections.
Because if you don't, you'll spray thousands of droplets out of your mouth everywhere.
You've got to be kidding, right? You need to read a good book about sex to figure out how people get pregnant.
Some individuals have stated that they are able to taste something strange after sneezing. This is caused by the old saliva that builds up in the mouth and mucus. Sneezing causes the saliva to be interrupted, thus enabling it to be forced into the part of the mouth, in which it can be tasted.
When sneezing (if you can) cover your mouth, nose gently (so you don't spray those around you) and let 'er rip with both nostrils. Sneezing travels at an extremely rapid rate and it's not a good idea to stop the sneeze.
Sneezing with your mouth open can increase the risk of spreading germs and viruses to others, as well as potentially inhaling particles that could cause respiratory infections. It is recommended to sneeze into a tissue or your elbow to reduce these risks.
always wash your hands, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing (DO NOT COVER YOUR MOUTH WITH YOUR HAND!), and sanatize frequently touched surfaces.
Well if its foaming at the mouth....it probley ate something it wasnt supposed to....and about the watering eye....it could be an eye infection...cats can get eye infections verry easily. Maybe you should go see a vet.
Droplets will fly out of your mouth everywhere, especially during sneezing.
The common cold is caused by a rhinovirus, and it is spread through aerosolized droplets (the air) via coughing and sneezing. It is also a rather hardy little virus that can be passed on inanimate fomites (hard objects like door handles and elevator buttons). This is why you should cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and why you should wash your hands regularly.
It won't explode, but it will sound like it did! If you do that you might pop your ear drums!