It would be hard to say why your boyfriend is always gets mad at you without knowing the situation. It could be because he is jealous, you are spending too much time together, or he may have lost interest in your relationship.
Ask him why. Or talk to him about it. He might only be struggling through something else and is taking it out on you. Intentionally or unintentionally.
Depending on what he's done, yes you should. If you're upset about something that your boyfriend has done it's always good to let him know so then he hopefully won't do it again.
Try and calm him down. Let him know that there are other things begging for your attention.
He could-be mad if your mom was rude to him. He should not be mad at you over this.
he probably is mad at you then.
He isn't mad at you, he's probably mad at whatever is wrong with him.
the reason is because boy are smarter than girls in a way and when your your their girlfriend than you think that their always right so they wont get mad at you
your friends boyfriend will breakup with your friend, and your friend will get mad at you.
well the only reason the girl would get mad in the frist place was cause the boyfriend did something wrong, a girl dosent just get mad for no reason. Some thing has to be bothering her obivously.
yes because girls always love surprises
Of course he is going to be mad
first see why he's mad at you, then try to solve the problem. if you cant then screw him..