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your friends boyfriend will breakup with your friend, and your friend will get mad at you.

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Q: What do you do if you fancy your best friends boyfriend?
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Easy.... Just say do you fancy hooking up!!!!!!

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You should break up with your boyfriend and get your best friends instead

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Nothing. You respect yourself, your relationship, & your boyfriend.

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Best friends they are always gonna be there for you

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Well think of it this way: Who is more important to you? Your best friend or your boyfriend's friends?

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Your question is incoherent.

What happens if you fancy your best friends girlfriend?

That's up to you.

What do you do if you like your best friends boyfriend and she likes your boyfriend?

switch boyfriends.

She said were just friends but she used to fancy me but she has a boyfriend now how can i get her when the break up?

Simply be there for her when her relationship starts to crumble.

What do you do when you fancy your best friends boyfriend?

If you are really close with your best friend you should tell her how you feel even though you will feel really bad but if she is a good friend she will understand. Don't expect her to dump her boyfriend because that would be unfair on her. If they don't break up and don't look like they will for a few weeks you should try looking for some one else and you should try and get over your best friends boyfriend. hope this helpedx

If you are gay and fancy one of your best friends should you tell him?


Can you boyfriend be your best friend?

Sure! make sure you still have other best friends, but sure! My boyfriend is my best friend