Yes of course!! Why wouldn't it be? It gets rid of trapped air in your stomach and can stop you from feeling uncomfortable. Have a good loud buuurrrrrpp!! It's only natural...Your not the only one! We all burp.. just as long as you say excuse me/pardon me, that's polite.
Tips on how to burp.... Feel the need to burp? Read this:
Put one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda into half a glass of water and drink fast.
Drink down a good glass of pop (fast) eg: Coke, Cherryade, Lemonade, Limeade, Ginger Ale...Basically any soft drinks with a lot of gas or a big glass of milk.
Swallow lots of air repeatedly fast, pat stomach and burp.
Swallow lots of air repeatadly fast, Pat your back or move your hand in circular motions (you could get someone to do this for you) and out pops the burp.
Have a drink with meals and eat and drink fast, when eating and drinking try to suck in air.
Drink peppermint cordial (Read the bottle)
Really need to burp? Discomfort from gas? Wind? Pains? Want to get one out fast?
1. Drink a glass of some form of pop or half a glass of water with one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda or a big glass of milk.
2. Get down on all fours and use one hand to pat your stomache/belly and rub your belly using the palm of your hand in circular motions to rise the bubbles and gas.
3. Get someone to pat your back gently and go round in circular motions to rise the bubbles and gas.
(You might already burp with satisfaction from these but if not read on....)
4. If none of this works do no. 1 but try standing up instead, patting and rubbing in circular motions on stomache and back and make sure your mouth is open for the belch to rise up and straight out, also try swallowing lots of air repeatedly fast.
Hope this works! Happy Burping!! Buuurrrpppp!! aaaahhhh.... Pardon me
Excuse me!
If you feel like you are about to burp, hold your breath for a few seconds.
The correct spelling is ''burping''.
Yes it is because it makes you get rid of your wife.
They didn't like to draw attention to themselves, and technically, burping is drawing attention to yourself, so they tried not doing it.
Yes burping is nasty
~I will feel so good if I was president~
my sister was so stubborn because she was burping allot
feels so good
they feel so good because that one string goes right through your crack it feels so good
Burping is an air bubble that travels up your throat and comes out. Farting is bacteria in your intestines, so when you fart you're basically getting rid of bacteria.
yea it does alot feel so good to a girl