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Yes it is because it makes you get rid of your wife.

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Q: Is excessive burping good for you?
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What is a good burping title?

Excuse me!

Is there something you can do to stop excessive bloating and burping without using drugs?

baking soda and water works well

You have excessive burping bloating dull pain on right side.?

There are several different things that could be causing the excessive burping and pain on your right side. You could have swallowed too much air or it could be acid reflux disease. Other things it could be include irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcers, and gallstones.

Lots of gas in the back and burping?

Excessive gas and frequent burping can be caused by swallowing air while eating or drinking, consuming carbonated drinks, or eating certain foods that are difficult for the body to digest. To help reduce gas and burping, try eating more slowly, avoiding carbonated beverages, and identifying and avoiding trigger foods. If the issue persists, it may be a good idea to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and advice.

How do you spell burping?

The correct spelling is ''burping''.

Is burping nasty?

Yes burping is nasty

How do you get rid of continuous burping?

Treatment for Excessive BurpingThe treatment for excessive burping depends upon the excessive burping causes. Excessive burping caused due to a food allergy can be avoided by discontinuing such foods which trigger an allergic reaction. Doctors generally prescribe antihistamines to treat various symptoms of food allergies.Maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding foods which are oily and spicy can treat excessive burping in anybody, including pregnant women. Foods such as milk, wheat, eggs, wheat, colas, peanuts and chocolate are known to cause gas in people so their intake should be lessened or avoided altogether, if possible. Increasing fluid intake helps in digesting the food faster so including lots of water, fruit juices in the diet helps in reducing burping. Soft drinks should be avoided at all costs as the pressurized air caused in the body due to them, always forces its way out and thus, causes excessive burping. Chewing the food properly, aids in digestion and thus, reduces burping.Excessive burping caused due to irritable bowel syndrome and acid reflex disease, can be cured by treating these stomach disorders. There are no medicines available to treat irritable bowel syndrome, also known as spastic colon, but there are certain natural treatments for irritable bowel syndrome which help in relieving its symptoms. Natural oils such as peppermint oil and primrose oil help in reducing the cramps and stomach pain caused due to IBS. Also, consuming a high fiber diet helps in curing this condition too.For treating acid reflex disease and the resultant burping, doctors generally prescribe medicines such as nexium and antacid. But the effectiveness of such medicines is often questioned. Acid reflex alternative medicines such as probiotics and herbs like licorice, accompanied by natural remedies such as consuming aloe vera juice, eating alkaline rich foods such as cucumber, asparagus, celery, leeks, etc. are much more effective in treating both acid reflex disease and burping.These are a few treatment options for the various excessive burping causes. However, excessive burping, in some cases could be due to a gallbladder disease and thus, can be pretty serious. In such a case, proper gall bladder disease treatment, such as, gall bladder surgery should be opted for, after consultation with a doctor.By Aastha DograLast Updated: 8/22/2011

How do you get rid of burping?

Treatment for Excessive BurpingThe treatment for excessive burping depends upon the excessive burping causes. Excessive burping caused due to a food allergy can be avoided by discontinuing such foods which trigger an allergic reaction. Doctors generally prescribe antihistamines to treat various symptoms of food Allergies.Maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding foods which are oily and spicy can treat excessive burping in anybody, including pregnant women. Foods such as milk, wheat, eggs, wheat, colas, peanuts and chocolate are known to cause gas in people so their intake should be lessened or avoided altogether, if possible. Increasing fluid intake helps in digesting the food faster so including lots of water, fruit juices in the diet helps in reducing burping. Soft drinks should be avoided at all costs as the pressurized air caused in the body due to them, always forces its way out and thus, causes excessive burping. Chewing the food properly, aids in digestion and thus, reduces burping.Excessive burping caused due to irritable bowel syndrome and acid reflex disease, can be cured by treating these stomach disorders. There are no medicines available to treat irritable bowel syndrome, also known as spastic colon, but there are certain natural treatments for irritable bowel syndrome which help in relieving its symptoms. Natural oils such as peppermint oil and primrose oil help in reducing the cramps and stomach pain caused due to IBS. Also, consuming a high fiber diet helps in curing this condition too.For treating acid reflex disease and the resultant burping, doctors generally prescribe medicines such as nexium and antacid. But the effectiveness of such medicines is often questioned. Acid reflex alternative medicines such as probiotics and herbs like licorice, accompanied by natural remedies such as consuming aloe vera juice, eating alkaline rich foods such as cucumber, asparagus, celery, leeks, etc. are much more effective in treating both acid reflex disease and burping.These are a few treatment options for the various excessive burping causes. However, excessive burping, in some cases could be due to a gallbladder disease and thus, can be pretty serious. In such a case, proper gall bladder disease treatment, such as, gall bladder surgery should be opted for, after consultation with a doctor.By Aastha DograLast Updated: 8/22/2011

What is the name of the burping soda in jimmy neutron?

The "Neutronic Burping Soda" .

Who invented burping?

burping wasn't invented it is a natural thing and was never invented

What is burping?

Burping is when gas is expelled through the mouth, often with an accompanying noise.

Why do you get burp?

Burping is caused from having extraneous gas in the stomach. This can be caused from eating too fast, drinking carbonated beverages, ingesting a lot of acidic foods, spicy foods, drinking alcoholic beverages, or a high stomach acid production.