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I am a celiac, which means I have an allergy to glutton. Drinking anything with glutton causes my face to swell. MANY people suffer from celiacs and have no idea because in many cases the symptoms are mild and the body can also eventually get acclimated to certain foods where little to no symptoms will occur. This may not correlate to your situation but if stomach problems are coupled with your swelling after drinking beer, (not rum or tequilla as they contain no glutton) than you may want to get checked out.

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17y ago
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10y ago

Alcohol is capable of making hands and feet swollen. This is because alcohol can cause someone to retain fluid, if they are already a bit dehydrated.

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10y ago

There are various reasons that alcohol can cause swollen hands. For example, this is because of the fact that it can cause edema, or fluid retention.

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13y ago

I had a ankle sprain and had swelling. Each time I had alcohol, it made the swelling worst by spreading from just the ankle to the entire foot.

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15y ago

people can drink alcohol but don't become an alcoholic

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