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There are several reasons for this and this should in fact happen. typically lasts 14-30 days.

First reason is there are tiny hair fibers in your lungs that clean and prevent it from getting dirty, smoking destroys them. When you stop smoking those hair fibers grow back and your lungs start to clean themselves this process may cause pain for up to two weeks.

Second reason is that your lungs have been exposed to nicotine and other chemicals and despite them being bad for you the muscles have learned to operate with them and not having them can be painful but this should go away within a week.

Third reason for this is you have been smoking, I know it sounds stupid but you ever watch tv when they pull somebody out of a house fire they cough and its painful... you've been in a house fire everyday for god only knows how long.

treatment, oxygen is the best treatment as it takes stress off the lungs but its unlikely to get a prescription for that. You could also use ibuprofen or a prescription pain killer if you can get a prescription. short of those stay away from smoky areas and at all costs do not smoke this will prolong your healing time and cause even more pain for you.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Time will be your friend. You took time to collect all of the junk that is now in your lungs. The second you stop, nothing has changed. That goop is still there covering the membranes used to collect oxygen.

As time goes on the goop will start to disappear. If you smoked for ten years, assume ten years to become neutral. You have made a great decision! I wish you luck!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

They start to clear out and function as they were designed to. But that all depends on how long you have been smoking. If you smoke so much that you develop COPD or lung cancer, then that's it for lungs. You will struggle with them.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Very small particles of smoke get attached to the bronchi and some of them goes to the alveoli also. The particles, that are attached to the wall of bronchi are expelled by your cilia. Some of the particles are engulfed by the macrophages and taken to the local lymph nodes. Other particles will damage the alveloli by way of fibrosis. There are many cancer causing chemicals in the tobacco smoke. They can cause cancer of the lungs.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

If you dont smoke , the lungs can function well and there will no nicotine that will constrict blood vessels of the lungs.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

you are healing

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Q: Why do your tonsil hurt after you smoke?
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When was Tonsil Trouble created?

Tonsil Trouble was created on 2008-03-12.