

Why do your orbeez smell bad?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Why do your orbeez smell bad?
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How do you get rid of the moldy smell that orbeez have after a few weeks?

Get some body spray or air spray that you like and put 6-10 squirts on the orbeez then stir it around I

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You smell bad because of you sweting.

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No, chocolate labs do not have a distinct smell that is different from other Labrador retrievers. However, as with all dogs, regular grooming and proper hygiene are important in preventing any unpleasant odors.

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A bad smell.

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Aluminum metal itself does not have a distinct smell. However, some people may associate a metallic or "tinny" smell with handling aluminum due to oils, residues, or other substances that may be on the surface of the metal.

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No, it will stink. YOU will smell.

Can you grow orbeez in soda?

No, it is not recommended to grow orbeez in soda. Orbeez are usually grown in water, as the beads need to absorb the water to expand. Using soda can potentially damage the orbeez beads and alter their texture.

Can you die from a very very very bad smell?

No. But that which is causing the smell can.

Why do rats smell bad?

They dn't exactly smelll. You accually can smell them if you get close though. And they smell bad because they are dirty!