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because some often when people smoke for one time,they beacome addicted to it

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Q: Why do you think people smoke?
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Do people think its cool to smoke?

People think it is cool because if they smoke they might fit in the "gang" or the "club".

Ratio of people who smoke to people who dont smoke?

people smoke to people that don't smoke because those who smoke they want that person to be smoking and they also leading them to be one of them.another way they smoke because maybe that person if he/she is lonely they will think that maybe they can be cooler than they were before

People smoke after all the warnings?

Belive it or not some of them still do. The worse thing about it is that some of them think that they have the right to smoke around outher people, who don't want their smoke. People who have to smoke should at least take it outside.

Why do you people smoke?

people smoke because they think its cool, people will always ask other people to try it, but once you have started it you dont know how to stop

Why do you think a lot of people smoke?

We think this because there are a lot of advertisements and a lot of kid movies envolve smoking. Because of thise, we think its normal and that a lot of people smoke because we see it so much.

Did people smoke marijuana in the 60s?

I don't think so

Why do ppeople smoke?

most people smoke because friends or family might do it. alot of people think it is cool. and that they wont get hurt by it or effected but they will.

What are the risks from tobacco when you smoke it and how many people die around the world each year when they smoke.?

people smoke because they think they look cool or they are cool sometimes you smoke if your depressed people start smoking usually when they are in middle school then is is a habit they can not break

Why do people think cigarettes are good?

cuz they smoke once and get addicted

Why do underage people smoke?

because they think they are cool and think they will get payed for it but do they know that it will 3.5%kill them thanks....

Do people smoke to impress others?

yes and they think it is a really goodmfelling and do it for fun..

Why do young people think it is OK to smoke marijuana?