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When you breathe in through your nose, lots of tiny pieces of dust come inside along with the air. Some of the dust is stopped by the hairs in your nostrils, but much of it passes further inside. Most of the inside of your nose is lined with a special membrane that makes a sticky liquid called mucus. As the dust is pulled through your nasal passages, it gets stuck in the mucus. Normally, the mucus and dust is moved toward the back of your nose by millions of extremely tiny hairs called cilia, and you swallow it. But sometimes, too much dust gets caught in the mucus, and it irritates the lining of your nose. At that point, you feel a big tickle in your nose, and your sneeze reflex is triggered. You quickly take in a big breath, filling your lungs. Then, your chest muscles compress the air, causing it to forcefully blast out of your mouth and nose, expelling thousands of droplets of saliva and mucus, and with it, the dust that made you sneeze.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Its a condition called Photic Nerve Sneezing. It is caused from the rapid dialition of the eyes when walking out of a room that is dark and into a lighter room or outside. The light hits a nerve which causes you to sneeze. It is hereditary.

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12y ago

Every time we breathe in, lots of tiny dust particles get pulled into our noses along with the air. Usually, they're just caught in the layer of sticky mucus that lines the inside of your nose and nothing happens. But sometimes, some of the dust bothers, or irritates, the inside of your nose. When this happens, our bodies automatically sneeze in an attempt to expel the irritant.

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15y ago

Because that is what happens

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Q: Why do you sneeze every day?
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How many times does a person sneeze every day?

Impossible to answer ! On most occasions, we sneeze because something has irritated the lining of the nose - therefore, a person might not sneeze once in a day. On the other hand - someone with flu may sneeze a hundred times in a single day.

Is it common to always sneeze at a certain time every day?


What would make you sneeze often during the day?

i would sneeze my.........

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No, but when you sneeze your heart stops beating for one beat

Is every animal able to sneeze?

Every air breathing animal can.

How many times a day does a person with seasonal allergies sneeze?

If pollen counts are extremely HIGH, I can sneeze over 200 x a day

Why do we say bless you after someone sneeze?

Because everytime u sneeze u lose a day of life\( ^.^ )/

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Aladdin - 1994 Sneeze the Day 2-2 was released on: USA: 24 September 1994

What happens Every time you sneeze?

when you sneeze guess what happenssnot comes out of your nose and you sort of spit siliveri cant believe you didn't know that.

Does everyone sneeze at least once per day?

not mee :)

What do you have to do to get a boy to like you?

sneeze on him, it works every time. Make sure there's a big snot ball in that sneeze for more of a "love at first sight" effect.

What animals cannot sneeze?

Fish and insects are examples of animals that are unable to sneeze due to their lack of a respiratory system that operates in a way that would allow for sneezing.