Impossible to answer ! On most occasions, we sneeze because something has irritated the lining of the nose - therefore, a person might not sneeze once in a day. On the other hand - someone with flu may sneeze a hundred times in a single day.
Be Good to Yourself at Least Once a Day was created in 1972-09.
i would sneeze my.........
The Least busy day to go there is Sunday because everyone is in
Monday is the least popular day for going places for everyone.
IT MEANS you passed through his mind at least once a day.! =)
At least once a day
at least once a day
If pollen counts are extremely HIGH, I can sneeze over 200 x a day
Because everytime u sneeze u lose a day of life\( ^.^ )/
Monoritosis disease is where you sneeze once or twice in the morning or during the day, when you have a cough but not a bad one and when you suffer headaches and migranes. treat it with panadole
NO way. At LEAST once a day. preferably morning and night.