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This is highly irregular. You should seek medical attention. However, some possible conditions might be gastritis, stomach flu, intestinal cancer...

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Q: Why do you pass stool 8-10 times a day?
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Related questions

How frequent should a child make stool a day?

That can vary from several times per day to less than daily. If the stool is watery and hard ot control it is too much (diarrhea) and if it is hard and requires straining to pass it is too little (constipation).

Is passing stool once a day normal?

Yes, one to two times a day is normal. It would not be normal if you did not "stool" at all in a ady.

How many bowel movements should breastfed babies have?

3-4 times a day is normal after the first week. Some babies pass stool every time they nurse.

What is the best thing to use a day before a drug test?

A stool to kneel on when you pray, because one day not doing drugs isn't going to make you pass it.

What day did Helen become blind?

810 BC

Do gays do stool many times a day?

Bowel movements have nothing to do with sexual orientation. They have to do with diet and other health factors.

What is the Unit rate of 810 miles in 9 days?

810 miles travelled in 9 days equates to :- 810/9 miles travelled in 9/9 days. That is : 90 miles per day.

How many times does a human burp a day?

Most people pass gas about 14 times a day, either by burping or farting.

What do people do approximately 8 to 9 times a day?

pass gas

How many times does does a person use the toilet annualy?

If you produce a stool once a day than annually you would make about 365 visits for that purpose.

Why do you pass stool once a week?

There are no rules as in how often you should have to poop but once a week is not much. If not every day at least once every other day. Look over your diet, if you eat any meds and speak to a dietitian and doctor about it.

Who would you put in a ducking stool?

id want myself put in the ducking stool in a dress and ducked all day