Most people pass gas about 14 times a day, either by burping or farting.
often 0
An average human burps 5 to 10 times a day...depends on what you eat and the amount you eat...also sometimes you can fource burp... ;) but yeah burping is natural so what every you do don't be mad if you burp or famrt your only human...also your gas will smell like what you eat so if your food smells bad your gas will smell worse... ;)
on a average scale moles burp 86 times a day
1,528 times a day
In a minute human breathe 72 times so in a day 103680. Thank you
The average human farts about 20 times a day. ;)
17,000 times
100 times
they eat 3 times a day or 4 they are mosly like a human
About 2000 times a day.. see other answers on wiki for the same question.