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Q: How many times mustribution per day is fit for human health?
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Is it dangerous to human health?

I am not sure the question you are to ask, but there are many things that are hazardous and dangerous to human health.

What are consequences to human health of extreme ozone layer depletion?

The consequences to human health are many. Altering a DNA goes as fatal as it sounds.

How many times does the average human fart?

The average human farts about 20 times a day. ;)

How many times we should masrturbate?

eight times for good health

How many times can a human eardrum oscillate?

For a young and healthy human; 20000 times per second.

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What are three goals of public health in the US?

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, there are five priority goals in the United States for Public Health:Health EquityPrimary & Public HealthcarePublic Health ResearchPublic Health WorkforceCollaborationIt is also wise to note that many state-based and area/county/local-based public health agencies also at many times have their own goals specific to the area.

Who many times does a human poo in a year?

On average,about 600 times

How many times stronger is a monkey than a human?

15 times

how many times does a human blink in a day?

1,528 times a day

How many times does a human blink each day?

17,000 times

About how many times does a heartbeat during an average lifespan?

On average, the human heart beats about 2.5 billion times over the course of a typical lifespan. This can vary based on individual factors like heart rate and overall health.