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You keep retching when your stomach is empty because it is telling you need to eat. Your body needs food.

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Q: Why do you keep retching when stomach is empty?
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Resistance to peristaltic movement in the stomach can be caused by what?

The resistance to peristaltic movement in the stomach is caused by retching. Retching has several physical indicators such as vomiting ,dry heaving, and nausea. If these symptoms persist, you need to consult a physician.

Can you eat apple in empty stomach?

Yes, you can eat an apple on an empty stomach. You can also eat any other food on an empty stomach.

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What is the volume of an empty stomach?

The volume of an average adult's empty stomach is 1/5 of a cup.

Can you experience acid reflux on an empty stomach?

Yes, you can experience acid reflux on an empty stomach.

Can you take zinc on an empty stomach?

Yes, you can take zinc on an empty stomach. It is generally recommended to take zinc supplements with food to reduce the risk of stomach upset, but taking it on an empty stomach is also acceptable.

How do you use sickening in a sentence?

you could use sickening when someone is doing something revolting or disgusting. (i.e., 'The sound of her retching was sickening to my stomach.')

Should colostrum be taken on an empty stomach or can it be taken with juice or food?

take it with water on empty stomach

Is it better to run with an empty or full stomach?

Neither. You should have something in your stomach, and settled, but you should not be full (you will get sick) or empty (your stomach will cramp).

What happens when you drink alcohol with an empty stomach?

Alcohol is more readily absorbed on an empty stomach, than the slow absorption on a full stomach.

How do you use retching in a sentence?

Retching can be used to replace throwing up in a sentence. For example: I watched in amusement as the boy continued his retching after he chugged a gallon of water.