

Why do you heal fast?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Why do you heal fast?
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It depends on how long they were hurt until they were treated.

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it is really not bad because they heal fast.

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same problem except from baseball

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It could be diabetes, or if it is on your leg and will not heal it could be a blocked artery. You should see a doctor to determine this.

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No only time will heal it nothing else.

What can you put on a belly button to help it heal faster?

Nothing but what you have been told to use by your professional body piercer. There is no secret heal fast cure, it will heal as quickly as every other injury to your body and old as quick as you allow it to, so don't mess with it and it will heal.

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It depends on the person and where exactly the hole is. Some people it will heal fast while others it will stay open permantly.

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1000, but he can heal if you don't suck in the spider fast enough.

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It is new kind of fast spreading internet virus which is insert its PHP codes on every page of infected website. You can be infected just by visiting this webpage. It is very difficult to deal with. I've heard of special removal tool for Gumblar - Gumblar Fast Heal. I put the related link to the website of Gumblar Fast Heal.

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depends on how old you are if your young it will heal fast and yes if not it may take longer to heal but i think you will be able too

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If its new, it'll heal over relatively fast. If it's older, it may or may not heal over. Its pretty common for the inside to heal and the outside to still look open. Just depends. If you want to keep it open, the best way to do that is to always wear jewelry in it.

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You don't. Let the shoulder heal first.