Root canal three weeks ago, and now, two huge painful abscesses on earlobe, red and full of pus, can't even sleep on that side or answer phone, oh, and definitely as painful as a kidney stone. Yikes.
An earlobe fetish.
name the tissue on the earlobe
How do you fix a split earlobe?
A free earlobe is one that hangs down and is not connected to the side of the head by any tissue, giving it a dangling appearance. It is the most common type of earlobe shape.
A blind abscess is an abscess with no external opening.
Lobe de l'oreille
A Bartholin abscess is an abscess located in the Bartholin's gland.
When the skin of your earlobe is attached to you skin on your head (upper jaw), it is called an attached earlobe. Earlobes that hang more freely are called unattached. They earlobe itself it not attached to your head, it is only attached to the bottom of your ear.
The earlobe is covered with stratified squamous epithelium.
An abscess behind the tonsils is a retrotonsillar abscess.
Yes, a hematoma can become an abscess. There are several types of hematoma, and a few possibilities as to what kind of abscess can develop. The type of hematoma and the circumstances that drive it to abscess will determine what kind of abscess.