The duration of That Funny Feeling is 1.55 hours.
That Funny Feeling was created on 1965-08-25.
The funny feeling is sexual. No feeling is funnier. It means (I would guess) that you are in puberty.
because you dream about her, or you have a funyy fellin inside when you see heer or you always have the urg to call or talk to be around her.if you have a photo if her and you find yourself looking at it and feeling at home or feeling funny inside then you know theres something there for real.
inside you
because its your funny bone.funny hey!
Well your funny bone is in your elbow area and it has multiple nerve endings. The funny feeling could be pain, or a tickling feeling!
That Funny Feeling - 1965 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G Finland:S Sweden:Btl West Germany:12
Its funny for EVERYBODY ELSE!!!!! plus when it goes away its tingly and ticklish feeling!!
you have this funny feeling in your stomach
your coughing dude cool
feeling funny, looks funny, cant move, it still hurts...