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Q: Why do you feel sick when you think about your dreams?
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A word that tell how much you feel about someone?

sick and mad that's how i feel when i think of grant

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they can feel sick or happy by the color

Why do you want to throw up when you think of an old dream?

Most people do not feel as if they want to throw up when they think of an old dream. If you feel this way, that particular old dream might remind you of some traumatic event in your past. This can happen whether you are consciously aware of a past trauma or not; dreams arise from your subconscious mind, and it is your subconscious (unconscious) that causes you to feel sick.

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Lonelygirl15 - 2006 Sick Dreams was released on: USA: 7 November 2007

How to become sick?

Dont eat and dont sleep. Think about things that make you nervous. Your stomache will be in circles and it will feel funny. Its not exactly "sick sick" but it does the trick.

What if your so nervous about a dental needle that you think your going to have that you feel sick what so you do?

go to the restroom and do what you feel like doing

why do i feel sick when i think of food?

You might have a food disorder. You need to see a doctor!

Is sick a mood?

Sick is a mood because when you say you feel sick that is a mood you are feeling.Such as i feel sick

Do you feel sick after kissing?

You should not feel sick after kissing. The only time you would feel sick is if the person you kissed was sick and passed germs on to you. However, you would not feel sick right away.

What is you feel sick in dutch?

I feel sick is: Ik voel ziek Do you feel sick is: Voel je ziek?

Is it normal to feel sick but dont throw up when your pregnant?

i think so .. everyones different

Tired dizzy and feel sick?

my girlfriend feel tired and sick