Its Because, your really stessed. Or you probably overweight, which gets really hard for you to move. and when you do, you feel hot. Try to get up once in a while
Your happy or excited. You have feelings about somebody you like and have care and respect about them all the time. When they make you feel happy.
No, you do not have to feel the IUD string all the time.
you feel hot. you feel hot.
mercury> bumby venus> flat, hot, thats about all i feel about typing
very tender and they will feel like they are getting bigger which is a good sign cause then you will beable to wear a string bikini to show off ur boobs to hot guys cause I do that all the time :)
Feel good about it. He's with you, so don't feel insecure about other people thinking that your boyfriend is hot. I'm a guy that's fairly good looking and I have a hot girlfriend who gets hit on all the time. I don't make a big deal about it. I may get a bit jealous but I quickly feel good that my girlfriend is a hot commodity and that she's with me. Being insecure does not help. Just take it as a compliment and don't let it interfere with your relationship.
Get hot, as in temperature OR feel hot? It may feel hot because it isn't well ventilated. Get hot -- it's as hot as the rest of your core.
The planet that is really hot is Venus
do you mean you don't feel well and sweat all the time, or you feel self conscious about the situation?
that is dyspepsia.
fish do not feel cold or hot they just feel warm.Now I know that's weird but that's just the way they are ....................................................................,.SORRY THATS ALL I'V GOT TIME FOR ......................................../,.bye