

Why do you feel hot all the time?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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Its Because, your really stessed. Or you probably overweight, which gets really hard for you to move. and when you do, you feel hot. Try to get up once in a while

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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well of course your going to feel like crap...i would 2 and its happened to me b4 but im a girl...try not to worry about it because it doesnt relly matter if all he is is hot because girls will like you 4 u... if u r brave enuff, tell the girls you don't want them telling you that all the time and hopefully the are considerate enuff to respect that and if they still do that then they arnt good ppl and you shouldn't care if there calling your frend hot... just some input......

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