do you mean you don't feel well and sweat all the time, or you feel self conscious about the situation?
idkk but me and my boys being doing these oxycodones all the time. wierd feeling is about all you get, then you need to go out for a smoke. your feeling good by noww just what we do. gettN down
It is a feeling, and if you have that feeling all the time, it is a characteristic.
i dont really understand the question but i think that if you hands are sweating that you should wipe them on your pants and chances are that his hands are sweating too.
If you are feeling good "a joy". If you are feeling bad "pointless".
you should just think about all the good times in your life, stop feeling bad and have a great time.
you DON'T know. this guy could be good at lying or he may be feeling the love in the time being, but not feeling it later on. you just have to take the chance..i dont think all guys mean it every time they say, "i love you".
Sweating and hot flashes are unfortunately a common side effect of menopause. These symptoms can last for years for some women and are more harsh if you consume nicotine and caffeine.
In adults, phobias produce all the unpleasant physical symptoms of 'normal' fear: * heart palpitations * feeling sick * chest pains * difficulty breathing * dizziness * 'jelly legs' * feeling 'unreal' * intense sweating * feeling faint * dry throat * restricted or 'fuzzy' vision or hearing.
GOD is GOOD all the time GOD is GOOD all the time GOD is GOOD all the time GOD is GOOD all the time GOD is GOOD all the time GOD is GOOD all the time
Enjoyment and amusement are similar to fun. They all involve experiencing pleasure, having a good time, and feeling entertained or delighted.
feeling very tired and weak all the time (fatigue)a general sense of feeling 'out of sorts', such as feeling irritable and miserable all the timepain in your limbs, particularly in your legs
It's "ça plane pour moi", and it can mean (literaly) "It is gliding for me" / (more commonly) "It's all working out for me" or "Things are going great for me" the song translates intoCa Plane Pour Moi Here's a literal translation, but it loses something in the translations. The translation fails to convey the puns. Wham bang my cat Splash sits on my bed he bit his Tongue while drinking all my whiskey As for me, didn't sleep, tired, battered I finally slept in the gutter Where I had a vision Ouh ouh ouh ouh in four colors (Interjection) One morning a girl came to my house Cellophane doll, Chinese hair Band-aid, hang over Has drunk my beer in a big rubber glass Ouh ouh ouh ouh like an Indian in his igloo I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I'm feeling good, good, good, good I'm feeling good Ouh ouh ouh ouh I'm feeling good (Interjection) Baby what a thrill, what a vibration To do it on the rug, (they all mean tired) You are the queen of necking, he tells me matter of factly Ouh ouh ouh I am the queen of necking I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I'm feeling good, good, good, good I'm feeling good Ouh ouh ouh ouh I'm feeling good (Interjection) Don't worry, don't touch my planet It's not today that the sky is gonna fall on me And that I'm gonna run out of glue Ouh ouh ouh ouh I'm feeling good (Interjection) My girl left me She had fun, broke everything: the sink, the bar Left me there like a big idiot Ouh ouh ouh ouh with my foot in my mouth I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I'm feeling good, good, good, good I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I'm feeling good, good, good, good I'm feeling good Ouh ouh ouh ouh I'm feeling good (Repeat 2 times)