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Latino isn't a race --- many LATINOS and LATINAS are white themselves. And I'm sure if they date white women, it would be a WHITE LATINA.

All the latinos I know are married to their own ethnicity.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Well, maybe certain white guys like diversity and dark skinned women, this may just be their preference.

Because black guys date white women.

I wonder who asked this question? Maybe its because they are fun, they can cook, they can dance, and they are good in bed. jajajajaja. Can you handle that? There are many reasons why people date other people besides their own race. There isn't one specific answer, but many good ones. And this goes for every race. And im not white, nor black. I am a puerto rican women. jajaja

lol maybe its the same as what black women say about white women-all the black men are with white women so why not take the white guys=)))

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βˆ™ 13y ago

They probably like them because they are mixed...they are probably not fully black

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