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Both are normal people. Their digestive systems are working a little differently.

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Q: Why do some people get hot after eating a meal and some people get cold are both normal?
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If a person eats unhealthy food can they get a cold waht cause a person get a cold?

Eating unhealthy food will not cause you to get a cold. Viruses cause people to get a cold.

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No they are just normal people.

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Eating chili doesn't cause cold sores.

Did more people die from drowning or from the cold by the Titanic?

Drowning in cold water, so both?

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Though both contain flavoring and sometimes fruit, Jelly beans are healthier as eating Popsicle can give you a cold, plus majority of people are allergic to cold things. You can't say that jelly beans are good for you, but they are better than popsicles.

Why we feel cold after meal?

It is not normal to feel cold after eating. If you feel cold or chilly after consuming food, you may be suffering from low blood count, low blood pressure or iron deficiency. It would be a good idea to see a doctor for a check up.

What can target your nerves?

eating something cold like an ice cream if your teeth are sensitie ----------- siblings and annoying people

Is it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy?

it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy

How do you spell the word chessnuts?

The correct spelling is chestnuts.Some people enjoy eating roasted chestnuts on cold days in winter.

What do frogs and turtles have in common?

they both hibernate in the winter.

How do people survive in cold weather?

They survive by killing and eating or just by wearing warm cloth. If they are in cold water then they lose their arms and legs and their internal organs live on until they die.