Most people are educated about health and are given advice and are informed about the way different factors can affect their health, however often a lot of people fail to conform to this advice and ignore it. There are many reasons as to why they fail to conform, these include:
* Lack of knowledge: people may not understand what it can do to their health so they carry on with bad habits
* It is difficult: this could be things such as smoking a lot of people do not have the willpower and often give in and have a cigarette.
* Lack of money: this could be trying to eat healthier but fruit and vegetables can sometimes be expensive and some may not be able to afford healthier food.
* Some people may be stubborn and ignore what others say and tell them that it is their life and they will do what they want to do.
* The damage may already be done, so they will carry on as they may believe that it cannot get any worse.
* Some people may think nothing will happen to them and they have a negative perspective to health for example if a child is eating too many sweets it could damage their teeth, but their parents do not tell them off or tell them it is bad.
* Some people are peer pressure, if a group of teens are drinking alcohol other teens could be pressurized into making the wrong decision and it this could affect their health.
* Some People feel it is their choice to follow the advice they are given and that they have the freedom to choose how to live their lives. An example of this could be the recent campaign about stopping smoking in cars, however some people may ignore this as they have their own freedom (if smoking was to be banned in cars).
* People can find health education advice very confusing, one day something is good for Why_people_dont_conform_to_health_advicethe next day it is very bad for your health according to health education.
Some individuals would rather do something which feels good at that point rather than worry about the effects they will see later in life.
health risk advice is when someone smoke and they get drunk . people get drunk because of the alkohol
People conform to the demand of groups because they do not have options. People who are ignorant also conform to demands of others. Lack of law and order also make people to conform.
There are many people that are immunized and vaccinated according to the advice of their health-care provider. There is a reason your health-care provider tells you what they do.
Many people are educated about health where they are given advice and informed about different choices they could make concerning their health. However, many individuals fail to take in the advice and ignore it; this is because they think nothing will happen to them and they have a negative perspective to health. An example is if a child is eating too many sweets that could damage their teeth and a parent not telling them off, or if someone who is aware of the risks of alcohol is drinking too much, this person clearly has a negative perspective to health. Another reason why people often ignore health advice is due to peer pressure, if a group of teens are drinking alcohol other teens could be pressurised into making the wrong decision and it this could affect their health. Individuals often fail to conform to health advice because they feel it is their choice to follow the advice they are given and that they have the freedom to choose how to live their lives. An example of this is when Labour MP Alex Cunningham recently proposed a private members bill to ban smoking in cars, due to the reason that an adult can get into a car with another adult and choose to smoke however, the real truth is that a child doesn't have the choice to make this decision. Also due to the fact that the NHS has to pay £2.7 billion a year on treating diseases caused by smoking. This example shows that individuals are ignoring health advice to such a degree where their own kids are at risk of getting bad health from smoking like lung cancer. People can find health education advice very confusing, one day something is good for your health the next day you discover it is very bad for your health; this can also happen with many other health issues, several news reports say the opposite to what other reports have to say. People who smoke and drink often know the advice but tend to ignore it because they enjoy smoking or they may be addicted to drinking too much. When people go out for a drink they don't care how much alcohol they are drinking, many young people enjoy being drunk and believe it is fun. They know it will harm them and are aware of the health warnings but choose to carry on. Many people are fed up of the "nanny state" telling them what is good and bad for their health; they say that "it has never happened to me" or that "it has never caused any harm to me". Keith who is 42 said that he never really considers health advice on smoking because "my dad smoked 50 cigarettes a day and he lived until 90," and that "a bit of what you fancy does you good." Another example of a person who does not conform to health education advice is Quinn who is 50 she said that "I have always put salt on my food, and I have been doing this for 40 years" now that she has been told too much salt is bad for her she has rebelled about being told what do, she carries on putting salt on her food she said that "I am still in excellent health." Individuals would rather do something which feels good at that point rather than worry about the effects they will see later in life.
keep to the rules,health&safety
Doctors can give you expert advice on health, that is their profession.
The colony that was the most strict about asking people to conform to a certain religion was Massachusetts. Some people were even hung for refusing to conform.
if i conform he love me , i do not worry for him , and if the people tell me that i will discuss with him , and if i conform from that i will leave him .
The two major motivations for people to conform are normative influence, where individuals conform to fit in and be accepted by a group, and informational influence, where individuals conform because they believe others have more accurate knowledge or understanding of the situation.
He decided to conform to the dress code by wearing a suit to the event.
If you are looking for health tips for diabetics, has advice for people with all medical conditions. The site gives good advice for people with diabetes.
Obviously you refer to a specific scenario? ''Why were people expected to conform" People are still expected to conform and for as far as i see it, people and all other creations will conform. Notice that animals live within very set boundaries of daily existence. Observe this phenomena if you have the opportunity. For, if they step out of their limits they die. That thin line is their only line and all they have.