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health risk advice is when someone smoke and they get drunk .

people get drunk because of the alkohol

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Q: What is health risk advice?
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Where can you find expert advice for health?

Doctors can give you expert advice on health, that is their profession.

Is the black death still a health risk?

No it is not still a health risk! :p

How can you use health risk factors in a sentence?

There are various health risk factors in smog having area. This is the example of health risk factors in a sentence.

What is risk behaviors?

Risk Behavior: An action that potentiating threatens your health or the health of others.

What is health advisory?

Means health advice/help/news

Where can iPhone for health advice?

NHS direct you speak to nurses that will give you advice

Who can give me a best advice about my future?

It depends on what sort of advice you want. Go to an expert for whatever you need, such as financial advice or spiritual advice or health advice.

Is is providing best health advice?

There are many websites on the internet that offer health advice. However, is not known as being one of them. Though the advice may be good, it doesn't appear to be medical advice given by a professional.

What is the meaning of health risk?

Health risk mainly include the rsik realted to health like: blood pressure, organs, heart realted etc

Are you immunized and vaccinated according to the advice of your health-care provider?

There are many people that are immunized and vaccinated according to the advice of their health-care provider. There is a reason your health-care provider tells you what they do.

How can a stigma affect your health?

how can a stigima affect your health risk?

Heredity influenced by health?

Heredity is a risk factor of health. For example, you are risk of having HTN if you have a a familial history of hypertension.