Vinyl is actually an element used in many sex and it turns peopel on
To get the new smell out of vinyl fabric add baking soda to the wash water. Hot water by itself will also help eliminate the smell.
Tell us it isn't canvas.
Black people
What the smell reminds me of a bit of toy jelly dinosaurs, or of sticky hands. Those are normally made of vinyl or TPE. Kerosene however has a bid more of an acrid and vile smell, kinda burns the nose a bit.
Plastic typically has a distinct chemical smell that can be described as sharp, pungent, and sometimes slightly sweet. It is often likened to the scent of new car interiors or vinyl materials.
When you smell something, you are actually taking in tiny, microscopic partials of that thing. A persons smell is the byproduct of their environment and their biology.
Lots of people just like me carn't smell because we are dyslexic.
no you cant smell water you can only smell it if it has somthing in like chemicals or jucie
they smell their butts because they want to see what it smells like.
They like it, some people my not like it but some do its there way of smelling
I would gather that they have their own individual odours and do not smell like one particular thing.