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When you smell something, you are actually taking in tiny, microscopic partials of that thing. A persons smell is the byproduct of their environment and their Biology.

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Q: Why do people smell like people?
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How many people in the world cant smell?

Lots of people just like me carn't smell because we are dyslexic.

Can some people smell water?

no you cant smell water you can only smell it if it has somthing in like chemicals or jucie

Why do people smell there butt?

they smell their butts because they want to see what it smells like.

Why is it other people like to smell coffee?

They like it, some people my not like it but some do its there way of smelling

What do the people at a pediatricians smell like?

I would gather that they have their own individual odours and do not smell like one particular thing.

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Most people love it.

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fat people smell like onions

Can you smell your skin?

Well yes but you can not smell your skin so you know what you smell like to other people. We all have a individual scent but can not smell it ourself.

How do you dance like people on the show shake it up?

we smell like you

Does a lady feel like she has a smell that people can detect?
