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People like getting their feet tickled for a number of reasons. The main reason is that it makes them laugh. The alteration of sensation also brings them a sensation of pleasure.

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Q: Why do people like getting their feet tickled?
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Is there a solution to prevent getting tickled?

Yes. Don't get near people who like to tickle you.

Which episode of Pokemon does dawn get tickled?

yes dawn is tickled just on her bare feet that's a lie no it not my friend his the pics if dawn tied up get her bare feet tickled it it like it form the episode

What is ticklishness?

Ticklishness is a sensitivity from a feather or hands touching the sides, feet, underarms, and belly. Some people do not like being tickled.

Does brigit mendler like her feet tickled?

The answer is yes I've seen it written down somewhere that brigit mendler likes to be tickled and she likes her pretty feet and toes tickled I'd tickle her feet if she wants me to and lets me then I'll be fair about this and let her tickle me back in my ticklish spots like my feet sides ribs belly stomach underarms and the back of my neck and yes I'd love to be tickled by that blonde beauty

Where is george eads ticklish?

Probably his feet. There's a picture of him being tickled on his feet and he was laughing like crazy.

Can tickling a person's feet get them sexually excited?

it can get them extremely excited if their ticklish and like to be tickled

Why does Selena Gomez like like getting her feet tickled?

Oh, it's perfectly normal for someone to enjoy having their feet tickled, just like how some people enjoy different sensations. It's all about personal preference and what brings them joy and comfort. Selena Gomez is embracing what makes her happy, and that's a beautiful thing.

Do gay men like having their feet tickled?

Some do, some don't. It's not uncommon for people to find feet -- or tickling -- sexually stimulating. However, there's no evidence that people who enjoy this are more likely to be gay.

Do boys like to be tickled?

Yes. Girls do like to be tickled but by people they know and trust. Not someone they are strangers to.

What is a whoopet?

They are a nightmare most of the time, they seem very soft doglike, and like therir feet tickled.

Does singer kesha like getting her feet tickled?

Honey, I have no idea what Kesha likes when it comes to tickling her feet. Maybe she enjoys it, maybe she doesn't – who knows? That's between her and her pedicurist. But hey, as long as it's all consensual and nobody's getting hurt, tickle those toes to your heart's content.

Does Taylor Swift like to tickle people?

Yes I believe she does but she don't like to be tickled but she likes when southern men from georgia tickle her feet and when anna the beautiful carribean woman tickled her feet I'd love to meet her and give her a foot massage and tickle her feet if she lets me then it's only fair that I'd let taylor swift tickle me back I'd love to be tickled by that blonde beauty I'd be very happy if taylor swift used her pretty fingers and toes to tickle my ticklish areas like my sides underarms and the bottoms of my feet that would really turn me on and be a dream come true