please comment or correct if you feel I'm wrong:
but i believe not all guys cheat. females do it as well. simply the fact that in human nature we are never satisfied with one thing. we are easily bored or constantly looking for an upgrade. i don't blame males for this trait its all around us in everything we do in life. very few people are happy with themselves better yet happy with they're significant other. males are egotistically driven individuals. males are like hunters constantly having the need to show their skills, strengths and ability. seeing how we are no longer in those times when our men goes and kills beast come home to their women after a long days work. men, not all men but a good number feels the need to hunt women. not as sex predators or anything just looking for the next best thing.
They sit there with a great or bad female their own. she loves or doesn't love them back. nevertheless he has her already. lingering in a cheating mans head is;
"what else is out there?"
"is there a better person out there for me?"
"did i get all i wanted out of my system before i want to settle"
constantly a hunter why settle for a bowl of fruits when there are so many cattles or beast just dying to be hunted.
temptation, urge and the fear of never hunting again even if she/he is the one waiting at home.
that's why SOME men or women cheat. plain and simple
Most are scared, they feel belittled and some just don't have any place else to turn, lack for money or family reasons...Some men make a woman feel that she is to blame for the problem... Example- Not enough sex, you made me feel unwanted..some woman are just no strong enough, fear hold then back
Because most men are to scared to own up and face it like a man.
Cheating on a spouse in unacceptable, but it does happen. If a husband continues to cheat then yes, he is a risk taker. Some husbands grow bored with their marriage and are looking for excitement; they want to see if they are still able to attract the opposite sex, yet some men love the chase and the secrecy of cheating. Most men know they will get caught sooner or later, but with some of these cheating husbands it actually gives them a thrill to have a high of being caught.
Men want forgiveness when they cheat on women because women are angry at them for their cheating. This is the same as women who cheat and also want forgiveness from the men who are angry with them for cheating on the men.
No, I have never been caught cheating in college.
"Cheating" means to "keep a secret" and my question back is "why do men lie when they're caught cheating?" Both parties are to blame. There are no excuses for cheating although many people will rationalize that there reasons are a totally different case than anyone elses. We all have a tongue in our heads and if we are unhappy in our relationship then we should have the guts to break up with the person we are with and then there is no need to cheat. There are cheaters that want to have their cake and eat it too and some that are afraid if their relationship with the other person doesn't work out they can continue on with the relationship they are already in. Cheating is selfish and it shows a person has no backbone. B: Just like when the husband lie when he got caught cheating.
* As to how sorry the cheating spouse is depends on the individual who cheated. Some men make a mistake once and feel guilty and heartbroken when they realize how they have hurt their spouse or children; other men feel no remorse for cheating and are just sorry they got caught.
Yes, I have experienced the consequences of getting caught cheating.
She didn't want children and he was caught cheating on her with a porn star.
Shoplifting Lying Cheating Smoking
well it goes like this if the guy lies about cheating on u when he is caught then he is lieing because 1) he loves you with all his heart. 2) or he just doesnt want to lose u at all.
Caught Cheating - 1931 was released on: USA: 26 January 1931
Keep on cheating till you either get over it or get caught.