well it goes like this if the guy lies about cheating on u when he is caught then he is lieing because 1) he loves you with all his heart. 2) or he just doesnt want to lose u at all.
Lie about it.
guys would mostly lie about what age they were if they were cheating on you and of course if they love you
The biggest lie most guys tell is they aren't cheating on their girlfriends/wifes when they really could be.
Girls lie when caught cheating because they're most likely to scared to face the facts or it might also be the fact that, cheating for a woman is more frowned upon than a man who cheats. Really it should both equally be frowned upon.
because they dont wanna get caught cheating on u so ha hA
"Cheating" means to "keep a secret" and my question back is "why do men lie when they're caught cheating?" Both parties are to blame. There are no excuses for cheating although many people will rationalize that there reasons are a totally different case than anyone elses. We all have a tongue in our heads and if we are unhappy in our relationship then we should have the guts to break up with the person we are with and then there is no need to cheat. There are cheaters that want to have their cake and eat it too and some that are afraid if their relationship with the other person doesn't work out they can continue on with the relationship they are already in. Cheating is selfish and it shows a person has no backbone. B: Just like when the husband lie when he got caught cheating.
Because most men are to scared to own up and face it like a man.
Cheating is like lying and neither will confess to what they are doing because instinctively they know it is wrong and they hope they just won't get caught.
honestly , i wouldntt lie . tell her the truth and see if she wants to get caught up in that . if she doesnt know your dating/married to someone else , she wont understand shes being the "other women." tell her the truth , and stop cheating !
Read that question back to yourself and then ask yourself why you would be with someone who you can see cheating on you and that you believe will lie to you...
Trust me I'm 14 i know all bout guys dark secretes deep and within, Sometimes Boys Lie 2 girls Because there Scared to admit the LOVE... you Or just Are Cheating Who knows i used to hang with guys all the time in 6grade know every guy is crushing on me. [xoxo]
The only way you will know if and where your boyfriend is cheating is either ask him straight out (he may lie about it) or, take a girlfriend with you on an evening he should be with you and follow him.