

Best Answer

There is more to a person then their weight. Maybe they like them because of there heart or soul or intelligence or demeanor . If a man like a particular type of body style that would explain the heavy desire. There is nothing wron with that, women of all shapes and sizes have lots to offer and they are just as lovable as skinny, boney chicks.

Better Answer

I cannot answer for all men, but I like chubby women simply because I generally find them more beautiful. It has nothing to do with being nice, mean, stuck up, whatever--and honestly, there are many skinny girls who are perfectly nice and plently of fat girls who absolutely bearish.

Yet Another Answer

There are just as many tastes in body shapes as there are body sizes. The definition of human beauty is different in every person - Some people like skinny types, others like larger types. It's the same with women who seek men. As the above answers prove, every person has their different reasons as to why they like their potential partners a certain shape. However, many men probably do not admit to liking the larger type of woman because of the general social attitude against them.

And Another

I'm a fat woman. My boyfriend told me when we first got together that he's attracted to fat women just because all the women in his life growing up were fat.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

well, some women could think that big guys are more likely to be faithfull or that they will appreciate them more. some might just like the way they look. my boyfriend if big, and i looooooovvvvvve his belly, its so soft and i love laying my head on it.

Well, I have dated all sizes of men. But I can tell you that while a lot of us just love the tummy-she's right. I like to rub my face on my guys big's very comforting and soft. But there is also the aspect that these guys are big bears-teddy bears and they feel so darn good to hug. My little brother is big and has a belly I love to hug him because he's cuddly. They are cuddly and often very sweet in personality. There is another bonus they are protective big guys and they make women feel feminine in comparison. Big guys often have a big guy personality- intelligent, funny, caring and practical.

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Q: Why do men like fat women?
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well, its just the kind of person that they like. its just a coincidence that a large number of gay guys like other guys that are chubby or fat. its like how some men like fat women.

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Just like how it happens to men? Actually, it's easier for women because most of them get fat after giving birth.

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At least 20% of men prefer larger women according to the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance

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