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Not all men are womanizers. A man looking at a woman (not touching) is normal and just as normal as women admiring a good looking man. Generally it's immaturity that causes a man to be a womanizer. They think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Often womanizers lie to themselves and feel they can have a normal relationship, but find themselves not able to commit. This is because the thought of being 'attached' terrifies them. That would mean having to give up their free, bachelor lifestyle (which really is just a fear of monogamy.) When men are faced with only being able to sleep with one woman, a siren goes off in their head. Why would I only sleep with one when I could be sleeping with many? Seems pretty stupid to cut off their supply of having many women. Most womanizers like the freedom. Unintelligent men think they can use women like Chess pieces and and don't think about the repercussions of their actions regarding hurting the woman's feelings. And since they aren't attached to these women they don't have to think about hurting them. These types of men have never had to face the hurt they place upon certain women in their lives. Or they've been hurt badly themselves and are acting on that pain. Honest womanizers should admit that they just want to have fun without commitment, but they should let it be known that they have no intention of having a serious relationship from the get go as to not hurt any feelings. Dishonest womanizers lie, cheat and steal to get women into bed and this not only hurts the woman but will hurt the womanizer in the long run. Youth fades fast and sooner or later a womanizer will realize that superficial sex and short rendezvous will never replace a meaningful relationship or just someone who makes you laugh.

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

they are insecure with one women because of the thought of giving your all to someone with the chance of them leaving. problem men face, learn to be confident and let things fall into place

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