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Goodness I always ask the same thing! Im a cheerleader at my school and I dont understand what is so attractive about it?? It is probally because cheerleaders are the popular people and they are know for being easy and all that shizz nizz retarded thingss that girls will never understand LOL! im a cheerleader at school if your talking about sporty guys like the football players or the cute & hot guys at school liking a cheerleader its not mainly cause of popularity like seriously? its because cheerleaders are mostly confident and out there and guys like that for a girl and about sports like football players? yeah the only reason they mostly go out with cheerleaders because they spend time after their practices after school and people in sports hang together. So yeahh. & most girls out there thinks Cheerleading is BS well im tellin u right now that its FCKING HARD OK? and dont labe us for being dumb stupid lil pretty face ms.popular taking all the guys cause WE ARE NOT..if wer dumb & stupid den we have bad grades, if we have bad grades then we wont be cheerleaders cuz technically they'd get us to sit out or kicked out!

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Q: Why do guys like girls that are dancers cheerleaders etc?
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I am a guy so i would know what we like. SOME NOT ALL of us like cheerleaders but many think cheerleaders are just "dumb blonds" or "peppy bitches". So being a cheerleader isn't the only way to get a guy to like you infact it can actually sometimes deflect guys.

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