Both girls and guys find certain eyes attractive, depending on their taste, and some do not.
The attraction can be from shape and form or colour of the eye or from memory, like the eye being similar to a certain person that is important to them.
girls find guys attractive because it is someone to hold and cuddle gives girls what they want. :)
Girls find long, clean hair attractive. They also think strength and fitness is attractive. They also like guys that smile and have nice eyes and ARE nice. Hope this Helps!
some guys
Natural selection proves that males find them attractive. Otherwise this genetic mutation would have died out years ago, and yet there are many girls with brown hair and hazel eyes. If males didn't find them attractive they would not procreate with them and pass on the gene. :)
They did in the 30s...
It is because guys dont see it everyday.
Hormones :)
Though I am a girl i can say that different guys find different traits in girls attractive. please do not try to change for anyone because there is definitely a guy who loves the traits you have somewhere out there.
There are many girls that would find a guy with a chin dimple attractive.
I guess not really attractive. Or what kind of shape ups do you mean?
Not all guys like the same thing in a girl. Many would find small eyes and full lips attractive but some would not.
It would depend on the guy really. Some guys would find you more attractive than others. Not all guys like brown haired girls. Some like blondes and red-heads or darker haired girls. Its just a matter of finding guys who like brunettes