Basically, you are cutting off the blood flow to that part of your body. When the blood starts to return that's when it feels all "tingly". Your touch receptors (the neurons that help you feel stuff) don't work well when the blood isn't there.
Shake them and move them around.
I don't know what crows feet is lol!! but i do know that sleep wont make baggy eyes go away completley but it makes you feel better and it will definitley help.
you don't go to sleep
Wake up and drink glass of water and go back to sleep!
They don't sleep BACKWARDS, they sleep hanging upside down from their feet. They sleep like that because they have no other way to sleep as their wings and small feet do not allow them to construct a den or nest.
Yes they do. They sit on the bottom and move their legs slowly. They have to because they breath through their feet.
Go to sleep or sleep time...... Go moemoe= go to bed\go to sleep
You go to sleep
You get into his bed with him and go to sleep
pippi longstocking and her feet of doom that eat pink bubble gum and sleep on beds made of barfing piggles
yes, they hardly sleep but they do sleep. they can go a week off of 1 day of sleep
Go To Sleep Go To Sleep