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Sexually transmitted diseases are contagious. This means that while only one person may show symptoms at least one of their sex partners also must have the disease. That is why doctors recommend that both people be treated, so that the virus or infection will be eliminated and not passed back and forth all over again.

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Q: Why do both partners need to be treated for any STD?
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What STD need both partners to be tested so there is no recurrence?

All of them.

Blister on clitorus and a strong odor from vagina?

If you have a blister on your clitoris with a strong odor you may have an STD like herpes. You will need to see your doctor as soon as possible to start treatment. Most STD's can be treated. Also be sure to tell sexual partners if an STD is the source.

What STD is treated with metronidazole?

Trichomoniasis is treated with metronidazole.

Is it common to bleed with eppdidymitis?

The most common cause of epididymitis is due to an STD. STDs can also cause you to have ulcerations and bleed. If you have either epididymitis or blood coming from your penis, you need to see your doctor as soon as possible to get it treated. You also need to inform your partner/partners so that they can get treated too, otherwise you will just reinfect yourself.

What STD can be treated with amoxicillin?

No STDs can be treated with amoxicilan.

Is there a greater risk for women to develop diseases that are not STD's from having multiple male sexual partners than for a Man to have multiple female sexual partners?

No because you asked " is there a greater risk for women to develop diseases that are NOT STD's" You are not going to get NON STD's from having sex any more than a man would provided your immune systems are both healthy and you have the same exposure rates.

What if you have a rash on the back of the penis and its just red and hurts a little bit?

If you have a rash on your penis you need to get it checked out by a doctor. It could mean that you have a STD, and would need to treated.

Why does it burn when I ejaculate inside her?

== Go see a doctor. == If you are the one that is burning when you ejaculate in her while having unprotected sex you should really go have that checked as it could indicate that you may have an infection or an STD - she should also be tested. If it is burning as you are using a condom/lubricants/paints etc. it could be due to the spermicide/chemicals that you may be having a reaction to it - use condoms that have no lubricants/spermicides. If she is the one burning it could be and infection or an STD. You both need to have tests done where this is concerned and do not have sex anymore until you find out for sure what is going on as well if you need to be treated for anything you both must be treated and do not have any sex until after fully treated - then see how things go.

What happens if your pregnant and you swallow your partners semen and he has a STD?

You can get it too. Depending on which one it is it can affect the baby or not. Get tested.

What happens when a STD is not treated?

there are several things that could happan if you ignor an std,firstly you could become ill ,even without any symptoms and secondly your body could get worse

What does a normal looking red spot about a third of the way up a penis mean?

If you have any spots or lesions on your penis or testicles, then you need to get it checked out by a doctor. It may mean that you have contracted an STD which needs to be treated.

What STD is also known as trich?

TrichomoniasisTrich short for Trichomoniasis; a protozoa parasite infection that can be treated with antibiotics.Trich stands for trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease.Trich is also known as trichomoniasis. This is known as an STD.