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== Go see a doctor. == If you are the one that is burning when you ejaculate in her while having unprotected sex you should really go have that checked as it could indicate that you may have an infection or an STD - she should also be tested. If it is burning as you are using a condom/lubricants/paints etc. it could be due to the spermicide/chemicals that you may be having a reaction to it - use condoms that have no lubricants/spermicides. If she is the one burning it could be and infection or an STD. You both need to have tests done where this is concerned and do not have sex anymore until you find out for sure what is going on as well if you need to be treated for anything you both must be treated and do not have any sex until after fully treated - then see how things go.

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Q: Why does it burn when I ejaculate inside her?
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AVG 7 days

To have kids how do you have that?

you put you're penis inside a womans vagina and go back and forth you ejaculate(cum) inside her and the sperm (cum) will impregnate the egg she has inside her

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talk to him, if you have open communication you can get to the root of the problem and fi it.

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Can a girl get pregnant if the guy pulls out and he doesnt have pre-ejaculate?

Sperms are too tiny to tell whether any got inside you or not, or whether at any point of intercourse any got inside you or not. Whether he has pre-ejaculate on his penis after pulling out or not is not relevant. There is a tiny risk that some sperms got inside you and get you pregnant.

What extent the penny should go inside vagina to have complete sex to get pregnant?

You can ejaculate just at the entrance and don't have to go inside. Sperms swim.

Can a woman get pregnant from pre-ejaculate even if it is only at the labia?

No it has to be inside of her or directly at the vaginal opening vaginal.

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