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The reasons vary. Here are some common reasons:

  • Love
  • They share interests with White women, like if they meet in college.
  • They don't want a woman like their mother.
  • They are turned off against Black women or have negative stereotypes about them.
  • He feels he needs a woman he doesn't have to compete with to feel like a man.
  • Some perceive White women as richer or better at sex.
  • A few want trophy wives to impress others.
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12y ago
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10y ago

The same reason men like women of other races. because they are different

Not all white woman like black men, but for those who do i think because black men are beautifu

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Q: Why do black men like white woman?
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Iit depends on the woman, but in most cases, yes woman are attracted to Black men. Women are attracted to Black men if Black men are rich. In general black men are not as rich as Caucasian and Japanese men. Therefore, in general women are less attracted to Black men than to White and Japanese men. However, if a Black man appears rich general correlations will lose importance.

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maybe because the men ask them out.

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well,white men are the ones who would go after the Asian woman and more likely marry them and consider having their kids. white men are sure of themselves that having a family by their Asian wives would be a pat on the back because"they would look more like them" today's society,white men still do not wish to marry black woman and black woman do not beg them to. black people have the freedom from humans. i don't think its racist,I am a black woman and i am not offened at all.

Do white women find black men attractive?

White man opinion: Well, I am very much attracted to black women. I can't speak for all white men. It's all about personal preference. I can find myself attracted to any race. In general, I want a woman with confidence and sense of mind. I actually would love to marry a black woman one day.Yes, there are white men who find black women attractive.Of course there are. Why wouldn't there be? Not all white men share the same preference in women.

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Well just like black men and white men there are black moths and while moths.(in history) Well just like black men and white men there are black moths and while moths.(in history) Well just like black men and white men there are black moths and while moths.(in history)

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How can black man attcract white woman?

The same way a white man attracts a white woman. However, there are other elements involved here. Some white women are loath to date a black man. Some white women are curious about black men. Some white women are intrigued about the mystique surrounding black men and their sexuality.

Why when a biracial man is with a white woman they are considered an interrracial couple but with a black woman they are considered a black couple?

Because biracial (both black & white) men in America for the most part are treated for the most part as black men because majority of the time they look black so their are judged as black men. So when a Biracial (black/white) man is with a white woman, they are not seeing a biracial man with a white women, but a black man with a white women, so people label them as an interracial couple. On the other hand, when they are with a black woman, nobody sees the difference, since both are judged as black; they are considered a black couple, not an interracial couple.