Viruses often create toxins which cause symptoms. Even in the absence of toxins, the immune system in the body flares up to fight the invaders, and that causes a lot of the symptoms. One particularly nasty thing that viruses do is to take over healthy cells. They enter the cells and reprogram the DNA to produce more virus cells.
Many bacteria live in your body, and most of them do not make you sick.
The ones that do make you sick do so because of the fact that they use your body's resources to live and reproduce, and also because their waste products are toxic.
Similarly with viruses - viruses reproduce by invading and reprogramming your body's cells to make more viruses. This harms your body because it destroys its cells.
A virus is a type of pathogen, but not a regular cell. its what is known as a prokaryote. That is a cell with no organelles that have to be replicated when it is growing. the bacteria attacks the white blood cells causing you to feel tired and drained. that's why colds don't go away in a few hours, they reproduce so quickly that within minutes you probably have hundreds in your body, causing your white blood cells to work harder
because they6 are bad for you
Fungi isn't a virus but some can make you very ill. While some bacteria can carry viruses.
Keeping public areas clean and free from bacteria and viruses that can make people ill.
Toxins can be produced by certain bacteria and viruses to cause illness in humans. Bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum produce botulinum toxin, while viruses like influenza can produce proteins that exacerbate symptoms such as fever and muscle aches. These toxins can disrupt normal bodily functions and lead to symptoms of illness.
By reproducing and multiplying rapidly. and they make us ill by attacking our cells and converting their normal functions to producing the they get your own cells to do their dirty work too (this applies for viruses)
Pathogenic viruses cause illnesses and disease.
Viruses make us feel ill by invading our cells and causing damage to our tissues. This triggers an immune response that can lead to symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, and fatigue as our body fights off the infection. Additionally, the toxins produced by viruses can contribute to the symptoms of illness.
A doctor will make you feel better when your ill because he/she mite give you medicine.
Because you have aids
There is NO "no effect dose" dose or "lethal effect" dose for viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms, because they make you ill by multiplying at first in number ('growth')
Microorganisms that can make us ill include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. These microorganisms can cause a range of illnesses such as bacterial infections, viral infections like the flu, fungal infections like athlete's foot, and parasitic infections like malaria. Proper hygiene and sanitation practices can help prevent the spread of these microorganisms.
common skin bacteria could make someone ill because it could cause infections for example someone might not of washed their hands properly.
Well there are some bacteria that make you very ill an some that actually are good for you you know bacterias are non living and they eat off your cell but it's a complication with the virus because it is A living and non living bacteria.