Because it's allergy season: it happens to a lot of people including me. You might feel that your eyes are really itchy too :)
It could be a cold too. Or that's just the way your body works.
Impossible to answer ! On most occasions, we sneeze because something has irritated the lining of the nose - therefore, a person might not sneeze once in a day. On the other hand - someone with flu may sneeze a hundred times in a single day.
It depends on how many times you sneeze(:
If pollen counts are extremely HIGH, I can sneeze over 200 x a day
Aladdin - 1994 Sneeze the Day 2-2 was released on: USA: 24 September 1994
i would sneeze my.........
it depends how you sneeze. everyone sneezes differently
that you sneezed four times
24 hours in one day so 24/3 = 8
I sneeze 75 times a day. The average human sneezes 4-5 times a day. (I work in a pepper factory during the week) and I have terrible pollen allergies (I work in a flower garden on weekends) I am allergic to cats and dogs and foster both. (I probably foster 20 families a month) My fostered cat always curls up on my shoulder and rubs her body on my face when I'm trying to sleep (Those days I sneeze probably close to a hundred) My fostered dog sits on my lap and lays his head on my face and starts licking my nose when I'm trying to watch TV (Those days I probably sneeze 85) I sneeze more with cats than dogs because cats have more fur. And you won't believe this, but my animals SHED. Shed all around my house. But they mostly like to shed on my bed. Everything in my house is covered in cat and dog fur. And worse my friends think It's FUNNY! They always try to make me sneeze even more.
you die
Because everytime u sneeze u lose a day of life\( ^.^ )/
about 1000 times a day