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Q: How many times can a person sneeze in a month?
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How many times does a person sneeze every day?

Impossible to answer ! On most occasions, we sneeze because something has irritated the lining of the nose - therefore, a person might not sneeze once in a day. On the other hand - someone with flu may sneeze a hundred times in a single day.

How many times a day does a person with seasonal allergies sneeze?

If pollen counts are extremely HIGH, I can sneeze over 200 x a day

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It depends on how many times you sneeze(:

How many times does a human sneeze in a lifetime?

A human will sneeze millions of times during their lifetime. There is no way to count exactly how many actual sneezes will occur.

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How many times does the average person go to the bathroom a month?

Once. no, 124

What determines how many times you sneeze in a row?

How much your nose is tickled.

How many ways can you make yourself sneeze?

You can make yourself sneeze with pepper or other spices. Some people can sneeze by looking at a bright light. Some can sneeze when they tickle their nose or use their tongue to lick the back of their mouth. Some can snort some water or snuff to sneeze. Those with allergies only need to get near a cat, or some pollen to sneeze.

How many times does a person go to the store a year?

A person should go to the store at least 1 to 2 times in a month. So you do 2x12=24. So a person should go to the grocery store at least 24 times a year if not more.

How many times does a human sneeze in their lifetime?

On average, a human sneezes around 100,000 times in their lifetime.

What is the record for sneezing?

Depends on if you have any allergies or not, or how many colds you get per year. Someone who has allergies and gets a lot of colds per year will sneeze a lot more than someone without those. For example, one person could sneeze on average a dozen times per day, while someone else may only do that in one year, so I think it all balances out to one sneeze a day.

How many times a month do you plow a garden?

1 or 2 times each month