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There are muscles that are in the throat that make the food go down.

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Q: Why can you swallow while standing on your heads?
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Why can people swallow food while standing on their heads?

Swallowing has nothing to do with gravity, you tongue literally pushes food into your throat when you swallow. Swallowing is the utilization of a muscle.

Why do dogs hang their heads while standing?

Dogs may hang their heads while standing to show submission, relaxation, or to communicate their emotions. It can also be a sign of fatigue or boredom.

What process allows you to swallow your food while standing on your head?

You can do this through the muscular contractions that are happening in your esophagus.

What is the process called that involuntarily makes it is possible to swallow water while standing on your head and moves food from your mouth down to your stomach?

Peristalsis is the process that involuntarily makes it is possible to swallow water while standing on your head and moves food from your mouth down to your stomach. Peristalsis affects the muscles in the intestines also.

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Why can't chickens swallow while upside down?

Chickens have a flap in their throat that blocks food and liquid from entering their airway when they are upright. When they are upside down, this flap does not close properly, making it difficult for them to swallow.

What helps food to travel down?

Well you food is first chewed and softened in the mouth where saliva makes it water and slippery. Then when you swallow it is moved to the stomach by muscular contractions of the gullet called peristalsis. Indeed you can swallow quite effectively even while standing on your head.

How do gaint squids eat their food?

they have a hole under there heads thew they bite the prey and swallow is

How do you swallow while giving head?

Take a quick break, swallow, and continue.

Should you spit or swallow while giving head?

guys like swallow.

Do you breathe while you drink?

while you swallow it no but when you drink it yes