When you swallow, the epiglottis at the back of the mouth closes to prevent aspiration of the food into the lungs. That effectively closes the layrnx, preventing speech.
A homonym of "swallow" is "swallow," which can refer to either the action of ingesting food or drink, or to the bird species of the same name. Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced the same but have different meanings.
The same way that a person can be upside-down on Earth and still swallow water. The ability to swallow has nothing to do with gravity; it has to do with the muscles in the esophagus which move food and water from the throat to the stomach.
Yes, they can I have done it with a bunch of food in my mouth before and it can be done
The same as most living creatures. They eat it through their mouths, granted they mostly swallow their food almost whole.
Cows swallow by using a series of muscle contractions in their esophagus to push food down into their stomach. Their powerful saliva helps to moisten the food, making it easier to swallow.
It could be. I work with Gastroenterologists and I know that some conditions start with problems to swallow food; but to be honest You need to see a Doctor and explain in details how you feel and even if when you swallow food, Is it painful? Also if when you go everything is negative but still having the same symptoms ,it could be even Stress. But please go to your Doctor ASAP!
The same
It is unlikely to happen but has happened occasionally when two pet Garter Snakes go for the same food item at the same time. The larger snake can swallow the food and the other snake if it is still holding the food. so no
Elvis and Justin Bieber cant be the same person because Elvis is dead and Justin Bieber is still alive.
yes it was played the same but people say it wasent but it was dont lissten to the i cant spell
because some cant get food so parisitic while some can get food so its not parisitic
Because the babies function will not process the food, i think :)