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becuase u have heat feels

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Q: Why are you more likely to be dehydrated?
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A person who is severely dehydrated is likely to have a high fever because?

A persoh who is severely dehydrated is likely to have a high fever because?

Why are lemons waxed?

They are waxed to keep it from getting dry or dehydrated. It also makes it shiny, which is more appealing to the eye. If it is more appealing looking, stores are more likely to sell the lemon.

Why do you get dehydrated so easily?

the more you run or the more you go faster the more you get dehydrated but the more you take your time and not go faster you wont

How do you spell Dehigeated?

The likely word is dehydrated (dried, or needing water).

What is wrong if your body is sore?

Drink some water. You are most likely dehydrated.

How can you tell if a baby bird is dehydrated?

If their mouth is dry inside, they are dehydrated. If it is a little wet, they are fine. If your baby bird is dehydrated, make sure you dampen its food a bit more so it can more liquids.

Is a person just as likely to become dehydrated in the cold as in the heat?

yesyou are just as likely too become dehydrated in the cold as in the heat because even though you would seem safer and cooler in the cold their is still no water in the air.

Why do you feel more thirsty in summers than in winters?

You get more dehydrated.

What would happen if you went without water for a day?

You would likely become very dehydrated.

Is thirst is a good indicator of how dehydrated someone is?

It can be. But the best way to tell is by how yellow their urine is. The darker it is, the more dehydrated the person is.

Can you drink oceanwater?

Yes but it will make you more dehydrated

Is it true that 75 percent of americans are dehydrated?

Considering the fact that a normal human should get half of their body weight in fluid ounces of liquid per day, it is extremely likely that 75% of Americans are dehydrated.