if you've taken any drugs, legal or illegal and you don't know what kind affect that drug or medication has on you then that might be the answer to your question but other then that, its kinda hard to help you there. Without some more info at least. be more detailed.
Feeling hyper or giddy
The letter b is silent in numb. Numb means having no feeling.
Example: "I was feeling especially overjoyed and giddy at the sight of my birthday gifts." or "I was so tired that I started to feel giddy." Giddy is when someone feels supremely overjoyed and even giggly with or without a particular reason. The giddy toddler kept the room entertained for half an hour.
my heart acts up and the left side of my neck tightens and my head go numb
It is not normal to feel numb or have no feeling in the testes. You should see a doctor if it persists.
When you start feeling numb and dont care about anything you do
giddy giddy
The Christmas song that includes the lyrics "giddy-up giddy-up giddy up grand" is "Jingle Bell Rock."
It you are suffering from a loss of sensation or feeling, see your medical practitioner
Your body was numb for a second
While walking home, I felt giddy.