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my heart acts up and the left side of my neck tightens and my head go numb

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Q: Why am i feeling dizzie and numb to the head?
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What does it mean if you have the feeling as if sand is trickling inside your head?

Your body was numb for a second

What means no feeling that has the silent letter b?

The letter b is silent in numb. Numb means having no feeling.

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Dizzie Tunes was created in 1959.

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Dizzie Ramsey goes by Bro.

If you have been having head aches neck aches and feeling dizzie?

It could be one of many, many things - it could be as simple as your eyes to a much more serious diagnosis. Its best to consult a physician regarding these symptoms to be absolutely sure - for your safety.

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Is normal for to have have no feeling in your testes?

It is not normal to feel numb or have no feeling in the testes. You should see a doctor if it persists.

When does someone start feeling good while drinking alcohol?

When you start feeling numb and dont care about anything you do

What actors and actresses appeared in Dizzie Daze - 1927?

The cast of Dizzie Daze - 1927 includes: Jimmy Aubrey

Why do I feel numb?

It you are suffering from a loss of sensation or feeling, see your medical practitioner