Blue jeans can cause minor scabs if put on in a rush . Blue Jeans can also constrict sensitive parts.
i don't think you can get moshling with blue magic beans but you can get them in the any magic beans
think about it: how many beans make five? (1 'i' is a bean) i i i i i=5 if a man walks a mile how many blue beans make 5? 5!
The beans are good = los granos son buenos
062 Rooby the Plucky Puncharoo [Sporties] [Rare] any Star Blossom, Blue Magic Beans, Blue Magic Beans
062 Rooby the Plucky Puncharoo [Sporties] [Rare] any Star Blossom, Blue Magic Beans, Blue Magic Beans
cheese beans
If you have the Trashy Tulip, you can use the red moon orchid and the blue magic beans to get Dustbin Beaver, but there are no current moshlings which specifically use the red moon orchid, blue magic beans and another plant in their plant combination.
Mung beans are a good choice for sprouting. In addition, you can sprout black beans.
A Pinto bean is a vegetable and it is VERY good for you too. Good question. :)
Yes, they have a good deal of fiber, which makes you regular.
012 Shelly the Nattering Nutling [Nutties] any 3 Magic Beans047 Sooki-Yaki the Caped Assassin [Ninjas] Red Magic Beans, any Magic Beans, any Hot Silly Pepper Sooki-Yaki was hatched from an egg for Twistmas 2012.062 Rooby the Plucky Puncharoo [Sporties] any Star Blossom, Blue Magic Beans, Blue Magic Beans
Baked Beans are a great source of protein, following the serving size on the can Heinz Baked Beans are good for you.