If she just wants to be "friends with benefits".
No, not at all. Being friends with benefits may not be the brightest idea, but if that's what both agree they are okay with, then no you arent.
Give up while your ahead.... Just don't, it's pathetic...
a friend with benefits means that you are not in love you still are friends but you have a sex life
Friends with Benefits was released on 07/22/2011.
The duration of Friends with Benefits - film - is 1.82 hours.
Ask her, if she has suggested that to you she probably knows what is best for her. Try to talk to her and figure out what are her expectation from your realtionship.
Friends with benefits don't usually work out like you think . They may start off good but at one point it just wont work . Friends with benefits are just a way of showing someone your not looking for love but, mostly , physical relationships . Most of the times that's not the case , but however that's usually what you're showing other people .Girls: If a guy asks you to be ''friends with benefits'' you shouldn't give in so easily . Even if you really like the guy . He doesn't want anything serious with you . Your better off without him if he's that type of guy .Guys: Asking a girl to be friends with benefits can make her feel uncomftorable unless she is that type of girl . When a girl tells you that which can happen , think twice and think of all the concequences .-KM
Yeah of course, your still friends just minus the benefits.
FWB stands for friends with benefits. These benefits are usually sexual and the friendship is usually strictly for sexual purposes.
Friends with Benefits - film - was created on 2011-07-22.
She might not want to commit to a proper relationship, I guess your 'friends with benefits.'