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Strength is not solely determined by gender, as it varies greatly among individuals based on factors such as genetics, training, and nutrition. On average, men tend to have greater muscle mass and higher levels of testosterone, which can contribute to greater absolute strength compared to women. However, when considering relative strength (strength relative to body size), women can be just as strong as men. It is important to recognize and appreciate the diversity of strength capabilities across genders.

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2mo ago
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2mo ago

Well, in the world of nature and beauty, strength comes in many forms and is not defined by gender. Each person has their own unique strengths and abilities, just like every tree in the forest has its own beauty. Remember, it's not about who is stronger, but about appreciating and celebrating the strengths we all bring to the canvas of life.

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2mo ago

Oh, dude, that's a loaded question! Technically speaking, physical strength can vary greatly among individuals regardless of gender. So, like, there isn't a definitive answer to who is stronger overall. It really depends on the person and their level of fitness and training.

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10y ago

Most of the time they are, but not always sometimes a woman may be stronger than a man. It really depends on how much they work out. Sometimes a certain woman may work out more than a certain man.

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10y ago

Most men are stronger than most women.

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