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Both sexes are.

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Q: Who is sexually active women or men?
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Is it still considered straight to be sexually attracted to men and emotionally attracted to women?

If you are only sexually active with men, then yes, you are straight. Don't panic!

Are vaginal creams prescribed for sexually active women?

Not just sexually active women, both men and women can get yeast infections for instance, even virgins. Unless you are ill you need no medication just based on the fact that you have sex.

Are men at 70 sexually active?

Clearly they are.

What is the ratio of women who deepthroat?

The answer depends on the context of the comparison. Is it the ratio of women who deep throat as compared toall women;women of sexually active age,men who deepthroatthe whole population?

Are gay people interested in women?

Gay men are, by definition, not sexually interested in women.Gay women, usually called lesbians, on the other hand, are sexually interested in women.Gay men often have women friends, who appreciate being able to relate to men who aren't thinking about them sexually.

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Most sexually active age for women?

49 years old

What is the most fertile race of men?

Orientals are the least sexually active and least fertile. Blacks the most sexually active and most fertile. Whites are intermediate.

You love women you fantasize about women like mad but you can climax over men are you gay?

You are only gay if you are sexually attracted to members of the same gender. If you are sexually attracted to both men and women, you are bisexual.

Does Lady Gaga love other women?

Lady Gaga is bisexual. She is sexually attracted to women, but is also sexually attracted to men.

Why women behave like men sexually?

nuts and bolts

What does it mean when you are sexually attracted to men but are in love with a women?
